
ponedjeljak, 4. studenoga 2013.


Ultras has no name for the outside world, just good friends know him. Ultras has no face, many times his hood covering his head, scarf mouth. Ultras are not dressed like the others, does not follow fashion, I do not like novelties. When he climbed on the train, walking down the street, although no features his team, he is recognized. Ultras attacks if attacked, it helps when you need it, do not cease to be removed as soon as ultras scarf and come home, but are struggling seven days a week. Experienced ultras gives an example of the younger, younger has respect for the elderly. Young ultras is proud while standing next to the more experienced, learn from criticism older and turns red when the latter reached out his hand. When ordinary people see ultras and they do not understand, and he does not want to be user-friendly, does not want to explain to their ideals. Every ultra is different: there are those who bear the characteristics of a group or team and those that they have never had such a thing, there are those who move only with his group and those who are individuals and who have their own group

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