
nedjelja, 10. studenoga 2013.

Arias - Panathiakos 09.11.2013

Great pyro show

Against modern football

For several years , we have all witnessed abductions football out of the hands of those to whom it belongs, Money , entered in our svetinju.Poznato is to serve as a means to clear emotion , tradition , originality , for it can say " good servant , an evil lord ." Necessary is , that no one denies , but look around you and see what the situation used to be, and what is happening today ...
Start soccer fan and stories in each country is similar , if not identičan.Na beginning to melee pastime for workers who have worked hard CeLIM day , and then spend their free time so they were trying to pass through the Probation gol.Vremenom formed clubs, leagues , competitions , the first crowd in the stands , and later the first flag on the fence, away games , the story is slightly razvijala.Fudbal was fun , and the people on the ground for people to tribinama.Žestoki guys have slowly moved from the field to the stands , where they cheered his favorites subotom.Igra remained within the same social status of people , people in the stands were workers , players were workers , over weeks worked often in the same factories , but over the weekend 11 boys was getting a group of people whose performances depended on the mood of the entire city to the next meča.Na very beginning players are rarely swapped clubs , there was nothing strange that an entire team played his entire career in one ekipi.Oni best would sometimes go to a bigger club , then, the whole city would appeal to them, a big club who have crossed the often reap sympathy because of their "heroes of the street ." is it time was different , so it was not so many people who do not know what to do with their vapor or simply football still was not interesting to investment , that's not even bitno.Fudbal then still was igra.Siguran 'm sure that football remains in the hands of the working class , have to date not been milionskih contracts, transfers, but maybe something else from the magic of the game .
What happened ?
Happened to the money.
The professionalisation of the league, things have slowly gone downhill , football is not a game, football began to radi.Suludo is expected that some do not get the money for what it does but it's also crazy what is today dešava.Često underage boys are being confused figures with lots of zeros , very early become financially secured and lose motivation for further evidence, there has been a move away from the fans and tribina.Ko these fans and where they are needed at all ? that's the attitude of most of the big clubs or their administration , the only thing you see in us ( fans ) are troškovi.Čak and when the groups become self-reliant (in terms of performances in their own expense , marketing ... ) , bosses very stinging eyes you guys in a jiffy can make incident , if things do not go as they should , who in a jiffy can raise a rebellion to overthrow the government, fuck them work , because who is going to invest in the club with wild fans ? When we become too important and upadljvi , modern football began to develop ways to combat ultra pokreta.Indirektno us said that football is no longer our igra.Igrači which sprouts weekends , communication with hearing ( and sometimes they are just as young players and at the end of his career were part of the same , and panels) have narrowed to raise a hand in greeting at the end meča.Retke images ( especially in Western Europe ) that were once everyday , that a player celebrates a goal with the truest fans , skipping commercials and running towards the grandstand , and imaginative FIFA estimated that it may be too emotional for her taste , and is now such a move often penalized and yellow kartonom.Zašto he celebrated the goal with us when tomorrow because of better financial offers , no problem to move from Partizan to Red Star , the Fener in Galatasaray , from Hajduk Dinamo , from Everton in Liverpool , from Totenhema in Arsenal.Igrači no longer live for coat of arms on his chest , maybe it's too much and ask for a little respect but it does not hurt , nor respect tradicije.Nisu rare cases that the players late in the preparation, training, raging through clubs , running away from the quarantine , they are caught profaned the reputation of the club, they pay a fine , which is ridiculous when you take into account their prihodi.No , such pollution saw the club quickly zaboravlja.Navijači the number one problem , these same fans who will stay in the same places, and when all players odu.Naši clubs , our darlings become means for money laundering , tycoons from various sides overnight buying clubs, and the people who have these colors really at heart remains that affects what the owner has the intention to klubom.Da it is really ready to invest in a " better tomorrow ", whether is there money to be laundered or interested in the land and the club will move to and proda.Za them a few suitcases full of money for us - part života.UEFA FIFA and zealously working on idiotizaciji football audience, but as often in life yardstick are not the same for everyone, so often UEFA real Dilove with large , for some things they are looking through their fingers , and small ispaštaju.Na the way, obstacles they are aware of people cheering , but they often break before the vapors, the group is extinguished or leaders are being underpaid and people who think otherwise , leave tribinu.Mesta in stadiums is less for those who love the club and football , and more for those who do not complain para.Cene subscription cards for example in England have reached incredible heights , so the family in which the prepaid card , for example, Chelsea passed from one generation to another and now forced to watch the match from the local pubs , because I just can not even afford to sit on his Stamford Bridge and watch your Čelzi.I what they mean finale LS when I can not be with his team when he was needed most when sitting at their headquarters with the latest Japanese camera huge , absolutely nothing , because it is essentially not their klub.Novac for TV rights is also interfered fingers, so that huge numbers of money to circulate to someone on the other end of the planet allowed to watch when it 's convenient and what he zgodno.Time are people who do not come to the stadium , placed in front of the truest of the audience, which is a mortal greh.Karte the final major competition instead najvernijoj audience divided sponsors and their people , many of whom do not even know the rules of football but they are " delighted that you were part of the spectacle ." a good example is the EP that is for us, stands were full of clowns , who had come " to be nice to spend " , "to make new friends " and, together with opposing supporters make waves and singing the single " Amstel melody ", which is broadcast from loudspeakers after achieved gola.Pravih fans did not or were in horrible little količinima.Reprezentativni football have managed to he withdrew from the hands ultrasa.Mnogi fans throughout Europe revolted relations football association to them , they decided to withhold support their representative timovima.Odavno began repression by a coalition of UEFA club Bosses - Police , and row off more extreme groups that stood from their ideas and principles of the last example is a group of fans PSG , Boulogne Boys and whose "work" was officially banned in the stands .
All small handful of true fans watching how to survive in the war : the media moguls , marketing, UEFA.
Be fought battle for himself and football - battle for the right values ​​, the tradition , the pride and loyalty - the battle against money.

Contro Il Calcio Moderno
Protvi modernog fudbala
Against Modern Football
Gegen Den modernen Fussball

utorak, 5. studenoga 2013.

ponedjeljak, 4. studenoga 2013.

Pyrotechnics is not a crime

Pyrotehnics is one of the most important parts of ultras culture and best way to warm up atmosphere on a stadium.Unfortunately government, police and football federations dont have understanding and tolerance for that and ultras often got punished bans, fines and sometimes even jail just because they lighted few flares on a match. More about pyro on


Ultras has no name for the outside world, just good friends know him. Ultras has no face, many times his hood covering his head, scarf mouth. Ultras are not dressed like the others, does not follow fashion, I do not like novelties. When he climbed on the train, walking down the street, although no features his team, he is recognized. Ultras attacks if attacked, it helps when you need it, do not cease to be removed as soon as ultras scarf and come home, but are struggling seven days a week. Experienced ultras gives an example of the younger, younger has respect for the elderly. Young ultras is proud while standing next to the more experienced, learn from criticism older and turns red when the latter reached out his hand. When ordinary people see ultras and they do not understand, and he does not want to be user-friendly, does not want to explain to their ideals. Every ultra is different: there are those who bear the characteristics of a group or team and those that they have never had such a thing, there are those who move only with his group and those who are individuals and who have their own group